Tāntrik Māntra Sādhana

Learn the basics of Tāntrik Māntra Sādhana with Anuttara. 

Sharing the blessings of the Shivoham Lineage . 

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In this course...

you will create a solid foundation for yourself to begin to understand the beautiful world of traditional Tāntra.

  • Learn different meditation postures that allow & maximize the flow of Kundalini

  • The traditional & respectful use of a māla

  • The Tāntrik understanding of Moon Time. How to honour & make the most of this sacred time.

  • Learn about the Tāntrik tool of asan (meditation mat). Understand it's traditional use and power.

  • Learn how to properly chant māntra to effectively influence your energy system.

  • Begin your practice with a māntra, with the blessings of the Shivoham lineage

  • Practice with downloadable recording of māntra recitation to support your practice

  • Learn how to continue and deepen your Tāntrik practice


"This course is crucial to establishing a powerful mantra practise."


Contact us at [email protected]

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Enrich your understanding and deepen your practice.

Meet the Teachers


Artemis is the founder of Anuttara’s Turyatita School, and co-founder of Anuttara Ashram. She initiated and co-created the Anuttara Teacher Trainings and courses along side her partner Bhairav. She is a lead facilitator in the Anuttara school, co-author of the Power of Tantra Meditation, the co-host of the Tantra & Yoga Podcast, and an empowered teacher within the Shivoham Tantra lineage.


Bhairav is the founder of Anuttara Ashram and a co-creator within the Anuttara Turyatita School.  He co-created the Anuttara Teacher Trainings and courses along side his partner Artemis. He is a lead facilitator in the Anuttara Teacher Trainings, co-author of the Power of Tantra Meditation, the co-host of the Tantra & Yoga Podcast, and an empower teacher within the Shivoham Tantra Lineage. 


  1. Why do I have to take this course before doing a Tāntrik process with Anuttara?

    In the course, we'll answer any questions you may have about the technicalities of a Tāntrik māntra practice. By taking this course first, you are setting yourself up for a deeper, and more authentic connection with the practice and lineage.

  2. Why is this course free?

    We hope to share the gifts of traditional Tāntra widely and empower all those who are dedicated to continue with a māntra practice of their own.

  3. When can I start? How long will I have to complete the content?

    This course is completely on-demand. Start whenever you like and you will have access to the material indefinitely.

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