Fortifying &
Sharing Energy

Feeling drained after interacting with others?

Struggle to maintain focus during your practice?

This "Shielding, Fortifying & Sharing Energy" course empowers you with powerful tantra yoga techniques to master your energy management. You'll learn to shield yourself from negativity, build resilience, and share your energy in a balanced way. Enhance your spiritual practice, elevate your teaching methods, and experience a newfound well-being.

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You are a renewable resource

You have a wealth of energy available to you, it's just about learning how to manage it. If you're easily drained or depleted, or feeling sensitive to the energy of others, we created this course for you.  

In our everyday lives, we are in a constant dance of giving and receiving energy.  Without conscious awareness of our Energy Systems, many of us are often spending more energy than we are receiving.  Leaving us feeling depleted, unfulfilled, & directionless. 

In this course, you will learn both tantra yoga theory and practices to shield, fortify, & share your energy.
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Our Intention


To support you in living vibrantly and serving your highest purpose.

This course is for you if you want to learn how to work with energy in a way that is supportive to you and your clients or students. If you wish to deepen your awareness of your own energy system and its impact on others.

We have listened to the many yoga teachers, meditation guides, body workers, and spiritual practitioners who have shared their struggles with burnout but it’s not always just brunout. Sometimes we’re unconsciously exchanging energy in a way that depletes us.  Or we’re unaware of how much we’re taking on from others.  Or we don’t know how to release what we have taken on.  There is so much that we don’t know about energetic exchanges and this course is meant to teach all of that to you. Our hope is that this course will help you find balance and harmony between giving and receiving, ensuring you have the energy you need to flourish and thrive.

Master the Essentials of Energy Work

(8-Hour YACEP Course)

Explore Your Energetic Landscape (Energy 101)

Delve into the core concepts of energy in tantra yoga, understanding how it flows through your body and how you can influence it with various practices.

Build Strong Energetic Boundaries (Shielding Techniques)

Learn practical methods to shield your energy from external influences. This section includes guided practices and meditations to help you establish strong energetic boundaries.

Fortify Your Inner Power (Strengthening Your Energy)

Discover exercises and tools to build a resilient energetic system that can withstand daily challenges.

Share Your Light Without Burning Out (Sharing Energy)

Understand the principles of sharing energy in a balanced and healthy way. Learn to connect with others energetically without depleting your own reserves.

Real-World Applications

Integrate these techniques seamlessly into your daily life and teaching sessions. We'll explore practical applications to enhance your well-being and empower your students.

Guided Meditations for Deeper Integration

Experience a series of guided meditations designed to solidify your energy management skills. These will help you internalize the teachings on a more profound level.

Course Structure and Benefits

Flexible Learning

Enjoy the convenience of an on-demand format that allows you to learn at your own pace.

YACEP Certification

Earn valuable Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credits upon completion.

Enhanced Energy Awareness

Develop a deeper understanding of your energy and how to manage it effectively.

Improved Teaching Skills

Elevate your teaching methods with practical tools and techniques for energy work.

Deeper Spiritual Connection

Foster a stronger connection to your spiritual practice and experience a heightened sense of well-being

Enrollment Information

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Check out our comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions section for more information on the course, certification, and technical requirements.