$800.00 CAD or more

Tantric Mentorship - Dual Insights Package



Embark on a one-of-a-kind mentorship journey with our Dual Insight Package, where the harmonious blend of Artemis and Bhairav's teachings, steeped in the wisdom of Tantra, awaits you. This special 10-call experience is carefully curated to provide a transformative exploration of multiple facets of your life.

What to Expect:

Unique Structure: The journey begins with a joint exploration in the first call with both Artemis and Bhairav, followed by eight individual sessions—four with Artemis and four with Bhairav—each tailored to offer diverse insights into your personal growth.

Session Duration: Each call is a dedicated 60-minute exploration, allowing for in-depth discussions and personalized guidance.

Personalized Approach: Expect a highly personalized approach where your mentors target specific areas for improvement. Following each session, you'll receive practices (homework) to deepen your understanding and facilitate continued growth.

Flexibility: Tailor the mentorship to your schedule with the freedom to choose how often we meet. We recommend a minimum interval of one week between calls to maximize the benefits of your mentorship journey.

Experience the transformative power of Dual Insight as you uncover new perspectives, deepen self-awareness, and navigate your path to fulfillment with the combined wisdom of Artemis and Bhairav by your side.